About Me

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Me .. you wanna know about me. I've got the gift of gab and the most pleasant demeanor. I am humble and whimsical, respectful and thoughtful. Thorough to at times a fault, call me overtly organized. I'ma wholistic lover of all. I'ma photographer philosopher poet and spiritual reader (yes tarot cards and all that). I'ma tea blend maker and natural beauty products creator. I'ma dancer, a free spirit, a kind friend, and a sweet sister. I'm a researcher and a student, an apprentice and a teacher. A follower to lead when. I'm a believer in possibility.. I'm my own best friend.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spite.. that ugly part of you

Spite... oh what evil lurks there..Nah. lol Just immaturity really. I mean okay let us look at it intelligibly .. and disclaimer: 'I have been an ambassador of spite so trust you preaching to the choir ova here with your excuses'. Grateful to be healed now. What is spite? dictionary.com says spite [spahyt] Show IPA noun, verb, spit·ed, spit·ing. noun 1. a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice. 2. a particular instance of such an attitude or action; grudge. 3. Obsolete . something that causes vexation; annoyance. Oh well that is blatant now ain't it! Back to what I was saying. Spite is so juvenile. I mean really, you just have to get back at someone for what you interpreted as wrong, despite the intent or accident. However, we all do it, knowing the laws of karma, and the truth that everything that goes around comes around, and even the wiccan witch's creed, of all things come back X three. We still have to prove that little point! You made me feel ... okay get ready for the list.. You made me feel bad, insecure, insignificant, unsatisfied, belittled, unimportant, ignored, annoyed, frustrated, fearful, worried, offended, angry, affronted, annoyed, antagonized, bitter, chafed, choleric, convulsed, cross, displeased, enraged, exacerbated, exasperated, ferocious, fiery, fuming, furious, galled, hateful, heated, hot, huffy, ill-tempered, impassioned, incensed, indignant, inflamed, infuriated, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, maddened, nettled, offended, outraged, piqued, provoked, raging, resentful, riled, sore, splenetic, storming, sulky, sullen,tumultuous, turbulent, uptight, vexed, wrathful ~ and them just the tip of the iceberg. I mean look .. I sympathize with needing to set boundaries, but is it on you to teach a cruel lesson in the process. Why don't we all just take a chill pill and please by all means check yoself before you wreck yoself, lol. Let us take a look back at every time you took to pay back that little irritation spitefully. Did you feel validated? good for you, and you left the other person/s feeling what debilitated? Oh you are so powerful. Did you refuse them of what they asked for? Did you prevent them from enjoying the next moment, stuck in the funk you left for them to walk in? You are just a considerate little guy aren't ya lol. You look silly, and you feel worse if not in that moment .. then a little later. You don't overcome~ you have instead CHOSEN to succumb and gone even lower than your counterpart ever imparted. You don't look smarter, you look spiteful and that looks ugly and disgusting as a person and your heart.. oh my goodness let's talk about what happens to your heart. it gets darkened! The purity you felt was offended.. well you just added to the offense on yourself. Which the guilt that imparts actually leaves your worse for wear. I just don't agree with the action no matter the provoking of it. But please don't take this as an invite to internalize. We have to find healthier ways. How about we just communicate.. i.e. I didn't like what you just said/did. How hard is that? Find another way.. and please let me know what you found..cause I'm always interested in learning more ways to not go respond from cruelty6. Sigh.. the AfroHippie~ Peace Light Bliss ..A'se ~

Paying it Forward.. Being the Example

Paying It Forward does not have to be taken literally. But you should give it consideration. Why!? Cause I said so, nah I'm just playing, here is my explanation: A simple gesture of gratitude or offering of favor pays it forward. One small kind act can save someone's day, a compliment, a prayer or words to encourage will help the world be a better place. Is there some reason why you can't, won't, shouldn't pay it forward? Trust me, YOU will feel better when you do. Yes of course, the one you pay it forward to will benefit, but so do you. I'm just ensuring you understand how you can help yourself by being a payer to forwardness. No you don't have to actually pay money, no you don't have to offer a place to stay or cook a meal for someone, it doesn't even have to be a physical interaction. It does not have to be that dramatic, you can pay it forward just by being a good example to the masses. You in your daily walk can cause a ripple affect by being kind or by offering a simple smile, a glance of solidarity or a simply a thought wishing well for another or an event. Better your day by being a bright light in someone's life from the attitude you bring to the table. You Never know who is watching you. I'm not only talking about The Most High Divine/Infinite Intelligence/Creator/Goddess/ALLAH/YAVH/Oludamarre/Amen-RA (Place your deity here)being the watchful eye. The clarity is, I am talking about the young adolescent or the misplaced adult who sees your example and takes heed. Do you realize who you effect just by simply offering love as your expression. I mean why be Bitter, when you can be sweet. If You can influence one, then you can influence them all. Be the Change

Alternative Healing for My Anger today~

It is funny how anger will make you want to express yourself. Get some validation and to damn sure release what you are felling. But! it can also catch you up in a spell. A spell of greed, anger and hatred. One that you feed on every time you retell that story, every single time you think about it, the heat in your core rises once again and flushes all over you in a need to make some one feel your wrath. Everybody in your path better watch out, because trust, whether you want to or not.. you are giving off a vibe of don't funk with you. It can't be hidden that well, we can all sense it. We may not be able to identify it if we don't know any better/pay attention by observing fully. But it totally has a representation under your words, or in your walk, or even the eyes will speak the truth. Truth is, most ppl just don't want to deal, so they ignore it and figure whatever you are going through, if you want their help you will ask for it. Cause we all know.. we have been there and done that many times over, and sometimes all the help in the world won't do anything at all. Not until you face yourself in your anger and come to terms with it, establish it as valid YOURSELF or even not valid(which turns into guilt) but that is a whole other story. But only .. only after confrontation to yourself or to the other party who caused your feelings to uproar, will there be any peace in your being. I've had this situation this morning/last night. You ever wake up angry? That is so not fun.. ugh! Having dreams to justify the means of last night's happenings, justifying the behavior you bring lol. SO silly of me. Being so called spiritual, I be trying to rise above I swear I do lol. But waking up anything outside of excited for a new day is a true buzz kill, and you ain't even got started yet! BUT it can be turned around, that is until you actually deal by confronting what got ya angry in the first place. Me personally, I simply do yoga. But not just calm and restorative yoga.. OH no Hunty~ I do pissed off yoga! lol what does that look like you ask? HAHAHA it ain't pretty.. a whole lot of kicking and shaking off and huffing and puffing and a bit of screaming it a way. But the energy release was great! More than enough so I can think straight and write this blog today, lol. So I say all that to say.. I understand. I get you.. hopefully you get me. And there are ways to deal with what you are dealing with. I am all about alternative therapy, find your way, get back to happy! Peace Light A'se~ the Afro Hippie