About Me

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Me .. you wanna know about me. I've got the gift of gab and the most pleasant demeanor. I am humble and whimsical, respectful and thoughtful. Thorough to at times a fault, call me overtly organized. I'ma wholistic lover of all. I'ma photographer philosopher poet and spiritual reader (yes tarot cards and all that). I'ma tea blend maker and natural beauty products creator. I'ma dancer, a free spirit, a kind friend, and a sweet sister. I'm a researcher and a student, an apprentice and a teacher. A follower to lead when. I'm a believer in possibility.. I'm my own best friend.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Single Thought

So can I just say, Herbal Tea is like a drug to this afro hippie. I need it to feed my mind seeds. Pau d'arco bark, dandelion seeds, cherry blend with lemon and honey. OH sweet chile speak them lovely caressing words to me. I am sure to swoon! Anyway .. moving on.. I come to you today with what I think is an important message. One I have been stressin to the masses for years. How much attention do you pay to your thoughts? Are you letting the brain, tell you what is good or bad? Your brain is a tool that you run things by to process. It does not run you, you operate it! Most times it is simply replaying past events it was told to compute previously, by YOU, simply out of boredom, When you haven't given it anything to do. Stop Relax Meditate on this! Bring back control to your essence, soul, spirit! Are YOU thinking positively? Let me make this simple. Positive thoughts begets positive attitudes begets positive experiences. You, yourself have the power over YOU! Not the thoughts that sway like a marquee of constant warning. Instead ponder on this food for thought: How do you choose to accept life? Don't let the past make a decision for you. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. Power is in the perception, how do you accept it? Life experiences can at times seem disheartening, that's the fear that the brain is telling you to accept, becuase you've been thru a lesson like this before and didn't conquer. Don't be afraid. You had the previous event to teach you how to handle this one. NOW you have been built to prevail! Take the challenge with a smile for you know better now. Silence the brain, let your conscious present state of positivity win out! Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give. SO what are you giving to others, better yet what are you giving to yourself? Be a better example for the brain so it can stop warning and start encouraging your dreams!
Peace Light and Love
The Afro Hippie

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